Touch for Wellbeing

No Hands® Massage Therapist in Hammersmith & Fulham

Interview with Claire

Why Go For Massage

Massage is probably the oldest and certainly the most natural of all the therapies on the planet. The depth and power of NO HANDS Massage has to be felt to be believed and those who experience it say that it far exceeds the impact of any other form of Massage that they have ever received. This has been from therapists and clients who have travelled all over the world and have sampled every Bodywork known!

Massage offers something which no other therapy can offer - namely, the power of touch. Deep and sustained touch can utterly transform your life. Structural imbalances can be put right without your even noticing. Areas that you didn't even know were tense can be loosened. Like a tight piece of clothing that has been shrunk, your whole musculature can be pleasurably stretched and any restrictions released.

As our body changes, so too do our thoughts, our emotions and our whole connection with ourselves. In this respect, Massage is probably the most total therapy available. There are many different reasons to book a NO HANDS Massage....

So What Are These Different Reasons?

Many people come purely for THE TOUCH. Most of us have been touch starved since early childhood and this has all sorts of psycological, emotional and physical implications. Receiving the gift of powerful touch can have a profoundly rebalancing effect upon us. Sometimes the ripples from this touch are felt for many years afterwards...

Receiving deep and soothing touch can help us to REBALANCE our life in so many ways. In truth, much illness and unhappiness originates from a disconnection between the mind and the body. Touch is simply the most powerful way to RECONNECT with the deep self-healing potential within each of us.

Touch is the most effective way to rebuild the bridge between mind and body. This reconnection enables us to go forward and make the correct decisions in our lives - because of the inner 'body-wisdom' that we all have.

There are also times when we know that we need to STRETCH AND LOOSEN every muscle in the body - so we can walk with balance and poise through life. So many 'problems' just disappear when the whole body is rebalanced in its totallity. Through NO HANDS it is possible to loosen and rebalance the whole body so totally - and in an amazingly short space of time.

Such rebalancing can also release blocked ENERGY - and it is from these blockages that future ilness can develope. Touch can locate these blockages so you can then release them without any pain at all. For many of us, there is often a needs to simply rest and recharge. With the right kind of touch Massage can literally SUPERCHARGE us. There is something magical about touch and when exhaustion is the issue the right kind of Massage csn restore us more powerfully and deeply than any harmful stimulant.

And sometimes we just know it is time for change, for TRANSFORMATION. Sometimes it takes the wisdom of the body to help us to make the changes we most need to make in our lives. With the support of powerful touch anything is possible...

Why Book More Than One Session?

It actually takes many years of constant abuse to push our bodies out of their natural state of balance. Because Massage is such a natural therapy, there is no cosmetic 'quick fix'. Like all natural approaches to healing proper Massage enabled any imbalances to gradually work themselves out of our system. Having a series of Massage sessions enables you to release at deeper and deeper levels as the sessions progress.

Why Is It Called No Hands?

NO HANDS stands for excellence in the quality and power of the touch that you receive. There is nothing like it anywhere else in the world. This trademerk guarantees the purity of tradition. It means that I have been trained to a higher standard of Massage than many therapists and that I have been personally endorsed by the founder of NO HANDS, Gerry Pyves. This is unique in the UK-that the quality of an approach is preserved so completely.

NO HANDS is what people who want more than just a 'skin rub'choose for their Massage. It is about change, letting go, releasing and transforming ourselves. Sometimes we know in advance what this change is going to be and sometimes we just trust, let go and only realise what it was all about two weeks after the session!

Why Should I Book A No Hands Colon Massage?

The colon is probably the single most important organ for your health and energy. Traditional non drug approaches to health have recognised this for thousands of years. Massage of the colon walls through the belly is probably one of the oldest and most effective non-invasive ways to bring this organ into balance. Colonic muscles are esential to proper and healthy elimination of toxic waste matter from your body. Without this, you are likely to be re-absrobing toxins into your body with damage to your immune sistem, your energy and your health. In one study of New York colons (post-mortem), over 90% of the population had poorly functioning colons.

Autointoxication (sluggish colon) can cause lower back aches, low energy and headaches and is considered by most experts to be responsible for many of the more serious chronic illnesses. This gentle Massage can bring very rapid relief to these symptoms as it addresses their cause. NO HANDS colon Massage is a deep but gentle way to bring these muscles back to proper functioning - naturally. Gentle pressure is applied through the abdomen and with our unique sign language you remain totally in control throughout the treatment.

Why Should I Book A No Hands Structural Release Treatment?

Like the colon, your structural balance, or Shi'Zen, is vital to living a healthy and fulfilling life. Your neck spine and hips are the central core of your body's health. Structural integrity is maintained by your MUSCLES. When they become tight and knotted, compressed or twisted, we feel the negative effects throughout our whole being. Exhaustion, depression and discomfort as well as illness can all accompany this structural imbalance.

The reverse is true of structural health. Energy, vibrancy, joy and fulfilment in life become much more possible when your body is allowed to function in the wy it was always meant to. The deep power of the Gentle Giant of NO HANDS Massage enables you to release all the tension in your structural muscles. Pleasantly.

What Is A No Hands Reflex Treatment?

Eunice Ingham, the pioneer and inventor of Reflexology opened up a whole new system of triggering the body's own self healing power. By pressing on points in the foot - literally 'firing' them up - millions of people all around the world have benefited from this lady's genius. NO HANDS goes straight back to this woman's amazingly simple philosophy and simply puts the strong GENTLE GIANT of NO HANDS to this task. Because the whole of the practitioner's bodyweight is utilised - and all without any pain - the relfexes in the feet are fired more powerfully in much less time. In other words it is just like Reflexology, only more so. Try it and assess for yourself.

How Does A No Hands De-tox Treatment Work?

To understand how a NO HANDS De-tox treatment works we need to focus on the elimination systems of your body. The four major organs of elimination are: the skin, kidneys, colon and lungs. Massage is especially powerful because it stimulates the skin and lungs to release throughout the session. The kidneys and colon are both worked refexively through the feet and we also work directly on the colon through the belly. Simply increasing your water intake to approximately 2 litres per day will suport your kidneys in their work. If you book a sesssion or a series of sessions you will discover that out De-tox system is one of the most effective treatments on the market.

So What Exactly Happens In A Session?

Almost all of the work is done with you on the couch receiving Massage, sometimes with oil, sometimes not. Nothing happens without your consent - every step of the way you are in control. I will be your guide and your best fan, cheering you on from the sidelines through my touch. One of the hallmarks of having a NO HANDS Massage is that the practitioner works almost completely silently once the Massage starts.

Apart from that, all I can say is that every session is different! I may do the Bodywork, but it will be you who does the releasing. The session is all about how far you can let go... Sometimes the session is still and silent, sometimes raucous and full of laughter. It is whatever you need in order to help you to find your ture balance, your true Shi'Zen.

What If I Live Too Far Away?

It is actually quite normal for a client to travel for an hour or two to their session. Actually this can be an advantage! the time you spend travelling is time to begin your session and start reflecting on what you need and how you want to feel at the end - two questions you will be asked by me every time!

If you prioritise your personal well being and growth in this way, then you will value the thinking and reflection space that these journeys provide.

What If I Have More Questions?

Once we are in contact, I can answer any other questions you may have. At the end of the day, however, some things just have to be experienced! You will learn far more from a series of sessions than any amount of questions and answers!

Trust your own wisdom and your own sense of what you think will work...

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